COMP7004 Essay Titles

The essay component for the module is worth 50% of the final mark for module.

The essay must

  • be between 4000 and 4500 words.
  • be in English
  • be in standard English with correct spelling and grammar
  • contain an introduction and a conclusion
  • provide references in the Chicago style, as either footnotes or endnotes

The essay must be on a contemporary issue in CyberEthics

Below is a list of suggested topics. A student may write on a topic of his or her own choosing, but this must be approved by Colin in advance. To seek approval please e-mail Colin the title and introduction by the end of Week 08.

The Essay is due at noon on [***TBC**] May 2020. The essay must be submitted via  Students were e-mailed the registration details required for submission.

Suggested Topics

x] blurs the boundary between public and private spaces

[x] is problematic because it more than the sum of its parts

Privacy is more important for its instrumental value rather than its intrinsic value.

The Algorithmic Prison


Privacy Challenges Posed by Big Data

Digital Redlining

Ratings Culture

Is intellectual property really Property?
Essay: Manner's 1996 analysis of the risks posed by cybertechnology was written before many present-day technologies were in widespread use.  His analysis has (not) ages well. ...

Essay: Compare and Contrast the IEEE, ACM, and ICS codes of ethics.

Essay:  Warren & Brandeis' analysis of privacy has aged well and is still relevant in the Internet age.

Essay:  Warren & Brandeis' analysis of privacy has not aged well and is no longer relevant in the Internet age.

Essay: Meticulous drafting means that the scope of the GDPR will expand as rapidly as the technologies it hopes to contain.

This is a CyberEthics module. Your essay should focus on the CyberEthics issues associated with your topic. Although some explanation may be required in order to explain an issue, don't waste time on irrelevant background.

Students are welcome to submit drafts in advance to get some feedback.

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